Petros Fyssoun
Petros Fyssoun
Top Movie Cast
The Flight of the Swantrue 1821 at the Cinematrue- (archive footage) Brother Annatrue- Andreas Η οργή του αδικημένουtrue The Hot Month of Augusttrue- Kostas Makris Manto Mavrogenoustrue- Dimitrios Ypsilantis Persecutiontrue- Osen / Konstantinos Rodelis Out of the Shadowstrue- Costas Angeles Treasontrue- Lieutenant Carl von Stein Make Me A Womantrue- Constantis Athens, Return to the Acropolistrue- Narrator (voice) The Proudtrue- Panagis Notaras Eternity and a Daytrue- Alexandros (voice) One Street Organ, One Lifetrue- Nikos Farther Right Than the Righttrue The fate of the innocenttrue- Lefteris Οι ένοχοιtrue- Father Grigoris Αυτή η γη είναι δική μαςtrue- Konstadis Δενδρολίβανος ο Φαρμακευτήςtrue- Lefterios Profile Images
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