John Sheehan
John Sheehan
Top Movie Cast
The Murder Mantrue- Sweeney The Criminal Codetrue- 'Mac' McManus Little Miss Markertrue- Sun Rise Elmer, the Greattrue- Bartender (uncredited) I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoestrue- Judge (uncredited) His First Flametrue- Fire-Eating Sam Such Women Are Dangeroustrue- Granigan Laughing Irish Eyestrue- Joe Cronin Mama Runs Wildtrue- Snodey The Night of Nightstrue- Bartender (uncredited) The Ex-Mrs. Bradfordtrue- Bert Murphy (uncredited) Slightly Honorabletrue- Mike Daley Kid Galahadtrue- (uncredited) The Goose and the Gandertrue- Murphy Hard to Handletrue- Ed 'Mac' McGrath (uncredited) Three Godfatherstrue- Ed Barrow The Gay Nightiestrue- Mr. Oliver Beezley The Pride of the Yankeestrue- First Paper Hanger (uncredited) Here Comes Cartertrue- Slugs Dana Ticket to Paradisetrue- Taxi Driver Join the Marinestrue- O'Day Love Takes Flighttrue- Spud Johnson The Circus Clowntrue- Moxley Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patchtrue- Theatre Ticket Seller The Key to Yesterdaytrue- George Steels Pretensestrue- Steve Nolan Stolen by Gypsies or Beer and Bicyclestrue- Gypse Joe Youth Takes a Flingtrue- Second Communist Arizona to Broadwaytrue- Flynn's Straightman The Personality Kidtrue- Prof. Thompson The Case of the Black Cattrue- Sergeant Holcomb (uncredited) King for a Nighttrue- Manny On the Avenuetrue- Stage Manager They Made Me a Criminaltrue- Man in Front of Grandma (uncredited) That's My Mantrue- Pharmacist Simpson Dust Be My Destinytrue- County Justice of the Peace (uncredited) Midnight Courttrue- 'Clouter' Hoag The Great O'Malleytrue- Policeman in Radio Car (uncredited) Night Club Scandaltrue- Duffy The Payofftrue- Sgt. Brenen Hold 'Em Jailtrue- Mike Maloney I Take This Womantrue- Clinic Patient with Good Blood Pressure (uncredited) Love on a Budgettrue- Fire Chief Nelson Smart Blondetrue- Leon Blyfuss Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamitetrue- Desk Sergeant O'Toole (uncredited) Mexican Spitfiretrue- Bartender in Mexico Pat and Miketrue- Golf Tournament Player-Announcer (uncredited) As the Devil Commandstrue- Wilfred Morgan The Killerstrue- Fight Arena Doctor (uncredited) This Gun for Hiretrue- Keever (uncredited) King of the Lumberjackstrue- Bartender Tin Pan Alleytrue- Announcer City for Conquesttrue- Man Yelling at Ringside (uncredited) Seven Sinnerstrue- Drunk (uncredited) Flight Commandtrue- Friendly Mechanic Men Against the Skytrue- Bartender Hullabalootrue- Audition Manager Red, Hot and Bluetrue- Waiter (uncredited) The Marines Fly Hightrue- Airplane Seller Millionaires in Prisontrue- Deputy Taking Keats & Kellogg to Prison (uncredited) Three Faces Westtrue- Man Asking When Wedding Will Be I've Always Loved Youtrue- Stagehand 1 Silent Witnesstrue- Detective Dan Callahan I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Nowtrue- Stage Doorman (uncredited) The Chieftrue- Charlie, a Streetcleaner The Countess of Monte Cristotrue- Sterner Big Town Czartrue- Ray Norman Mexican Spitfire Out Westtrue- Janitor Woman of the Yeartrue- Red Face (uncredited) Pacific Blackouttrue- Sergeant The Past of Mary Holmestrue- Tom Kincaid Fair Warningtrue- Kelduff Alias Nick Bealtrue- Reformer Bombardiertrue- Congressman Down on the Farmtrue- Fire Chief Marked Womantrue- Vincent The Lady and the Bandittrue- Huggens The Human Sidetrue- Gardy (uncredited) Gold Rush Maisietrue- Drunk Greeting 'Pop' (Uncredited) Where Danger Livestrue- Quartz Miner (uncredited) Bureau of Missing Personstrue- Tom--Morgue Attendant (uncredited) The Keyholetrue- Ship Bartender (uncredited) It Ain't Haytrue- Storekeeper (uncredited) Buck Privates Come Hometrue- Drew (INS) (uncredited) Night in New Orleanstrue- Drunk (Uncredited) The Man in Half Moon Streettrue- Expressman House of Mysterytrue- Harry Smith Magnificent Dolltrue- Hugo Johnny Come Latelytrue- Cop Call Her Savagetrue- Drunken Tenant (Uncredited) State Fairtrue- Barker at Aerial Act (Uncredited) Many Sappy Returnstrue- Mr. Benson His Kind of Womantrue- Guitarist (uncredited) Broadwaytrue- Oscar (uncredited)