Emir Buczacki
Emir Buczacki
Top Movie Cast
Lost Feelingstrue- Drunk man #1 (uncredited) The Sun Rises Once a Daytrue- Innkeeper (uncredited) The End of the Holidaytrue- Lekarz pogotowia Ewa Wants to Sleeptrue- "Blind Tolo" (uncredited) Nothing Stands in the Waytrue- doktor, kolega Zofii Polonia Restitutatrue- Arystydes Briand, premier Francji The Ring of Queen Anntrue- Teutonic Commander Pearl in the Crowntrue- Malitsch The Hourglass Sanatoriumtrue- Wax Figure of Benito Juarez Nights and Daystrue- Lucjan Kociełło