Oleg Korchikov
Oleg Korchikov
Top Movie Cast
В одну единственную жизньtrue Forget the Word 'Death'true- Левченко, начальник милиции Bread, Gold, Guntrue- nachal'nik stantsii Blokada: Pulkovskiy merediantrue- Kozin, party organizer of the Kirov Plant 1612: Chronicles of the Dark Timetrue Give Me the Moonlighttrue Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperortrue Connected by Timetrue- дед Семеныч The Red Snowball Treetrue- Шура The Vultures on the Roadtrue- Bakhmetyev We'll Be Back in the Falltrue- Stetsenko Yury Gray Mousetrue- Варфоломеев 72 Degrees Below Zerotrue- Vassiliy Komov Murder at Cloister Pondstrue Последний бронепоездtrue- Fadeyev The Pier on the Other Sidetrue Special Forces Squadtrue- Наумов Semyon Dezhnyovtrue- Fedot Popov I'm Declaring War on Youtrue- Vorotnikov Blockade: The Luga Defense Linetrue- Kozin Don't Shoot at the Pass!true Был настоящим трубачомtrue Школаtrue- красный командир Шебалов The Precipicetrue- Saveli Whit Mondaytrue- Nikolai Ivanovich Khristoforov Captain Lie-Deviltrue- Nikolay Ivanovich Yurka - the Son of the Commandertrue В профиль и анфас (Киноальманах)true- милиционер (новела «Волки») The Boys Were on Their Way to the Fronttrue