John Kelly
John Kelly
Top Movie Cast
Manpowertrue- 28 Club Bouncer (uncredited) Bringing Up Babytrue- Elmer Sharp Shooterstrue- Cafe Mug (uncredited) Subway Expresstrue- Motorman The Man Huntertrue- Charlie Jail House Bluestrue- Snork Little Miss Markertrue- Canvas Back After the Thin Mantrue- Harold the Chauffer (uncredited) Angel's Holidaytrue- Maxie The Mouthpiecetrue- Cab Driver (Uncredited) The Nuisancetrue- Streetcar Conductor (uncredited) Motive for Revengetrue- Detective Larkin The Tiger Womantrue- Sylvester Sergeant Maddentrue- Nero The Docks of New Yorktrue- Sailor Barfly (uncredited) The Bridge of Sighstrue- Tommy, the Taxi Driver-Thug Lady Lucktrue- Joe - First Hood Dr. Socratestrue- Al - a Gangster 23 1/2 Hours Leavetrue- Sgt. Tubbs Captain Boycotttrue- Sheriff Female Fugitivetrue- Red, Dunning's chauffeur The Pittsburgh Kidtrue- Knockout Riley The Grand Bouncetrue- 'Lead-Head' Hogan (uncredited) Havana Widowstrue- Tully, Star Turkish Bath Attendant (uncredited) Havana Widowstrue- Bank Teller (uncredited) The Bands Plays Ontrue- Truck Driver Live, Love and Learntrue- Sailor (uncredited) Woman Wantedtrue- Truck Driver Hitting Police Car (uncredited) The Devil Is a Sissytrue- 'Shivvy' the Tire Man Everybody's Doing Ittrue- Steve's Henchman The Gentleman from Louisianatrue- John L. Sullivan Fugitive in the Skytrue- Kid Couch Ace of Acestrue- Gloski (uncredited) Stolen Harmonytrue- Bates (uncredited) West Point of the Airtrue- Randolph Air Field Mechanic Exclusivetrue- Cab Driver Three Sons o' Gunstrue- Buffalo Bill Oxenstern These Glamour Girlstrue- The Sailor 'Feather Foot' (uncredited) They Shall Have Musictrue- Kelly (uncredited) Summer Stormtrue- Bit Player (uncredited) Portia on Trialtrue- Hank Kid Millionstrue- Adolph Wilson The Green Hornettrue- Pete Hawks Scarfacetrue- One of Costillo's Hoods (uncredited) Black Fridaytrue- Taxi Driver Wings Over Honolulutrue- Gob Son of a Sailortrue- Sailor (uncredited) Broadway Thru a Keyholetrue- Louie (uncredited) Wolf Calltrue- Bull Nelson Meet Dr. Christiantrue- Cass You Can't Buy Lucktrue- Puggy (uncredited) Kid Nightingaletrue- Dynamite Dennis (uncredited) My Little Chickadeetrue- Henchman (uncredited) Castle on the Hudsontrue- Rockpile Convict (uncredited) Road to Singaporetrue- Sailor (uncredited) Dressed to Killtrue- Biff Simpson Trail to Vengeancetrue- Henchman Bully Ten Gentlemen from West Pointtrue- Bombardier (uncredited) Suicide Fleettrue- Sailor at Sally's (uncredited) Good-bye Lovetrue- Sgt. Dugan the Jailer From Headquarterstrue- O'Farrell Coney Islandtrue- Drunken Bricklayer Easy Moneytrue- Henchman Carney The Doorway to Helltrue- Whitey Eckhart (uncredited) The Secret of Madame Blanchetrue- French Sailor (Uncredited) Public Hero Number 1true- Federal Agent / Truck Driver Smuggling Gun (uncredited) Big City Bluestrue- Driver (uncredited) Young Widowtrue- Cab Driver (Uncredited) Many Happy Returnstrue- Mike Merry Go Round of 1938true- Bus Driver The Dark Cornertrue- Policeman at Gallery (uncredited) Morning Glorytrue- Prop Man (uncredited)