Elizabeth Franz
Elizabeth Franz
Top Movie Cast
The Pallbearertrue- Aunt Lucille Christmas with the Krankstrue- Bev Scheel Thinnertrue- Leda Rossington The Substance of Firetrue- Miss Barzakian It's Nothing Personaltrue- Mrs. Stromberg Face of a Strangertrue- Becky Brown Death of a Salesmantrue- Linda Loman Love and Other Sorrowstrue- Mother The Joy That Killstrue- Aunt Josephine Jacknifetrue- Pru Buckman Take Me to the Rivertrue- Evelyn A Town's Revengetrue- Cecile Nelson An Unexpected Lovetrue- Dorothy Pilgrim, Farewelltrue- Doctor The Equalizer - The Movie: Blood & Winetrue- Mrs Thomas Story of a Bad Boytrue- Nun The Secret of My Successtrue- Grace Foster A Fish in the Bathtubtrue- Bea Greenberg Shameful Secretstrue- Maryanne's Mother