Bigelow Cooper
Bigelow Cooper
Top Movie Cast
The Truth About Helentrue- Senator Foote The Make-Believe Wifetrue- Mr. Ashbrook The Test of Honortrue- Judge Ferris The Heart of the Hillstrue- Sir Christopher Madgwick The Tell-Tale Steptrue- Dimitri The Light in Darknesstrue- DeWitt Pierce What Happened to Marytrue- Mr. Foster - the Lawyer The Exciterstrue- Hilary Rand Seven Deadly Sins: Passiontrue The Broadway Driftertrue- Myron Stafford A Message to Garciatrue- Captain Gonzalles Shadows of Suspiciontrue- Sir John Rizzio Vanity Fairtrue- Rawdon Crawley At Bear Track Gulchtrue- The stage driver The Ambassador's Daughtertrue- Thomas Crompton A Serenade by Proxytrue- The Minister The Totville Eyetrue- The Minister The Magic Skintrue- Ralph's Father The Land Beyond the Sunsettrue- The Minister White Micetrue- R.B. Forrester Revelationtrue- Count Adrian de Roche What Could She Do?true- Col. Fairfax Where Love Istrue- Morland King The Country Cousintrue- Mr. Howitt Alexia's Strategytrue- John Osgood The Crime of Carelessnesstrue- Henry Waters Out of the Chorustrue- Mr. Von Beekman God of Little Childrentrue- John Ingalls Pride and the Deviltrue- Claude Duval The Great Bradley Mysterytrue- Tony Another Scandaltrue- Mitchell Burrows The Law of the Yukontrue- Dr. Meredith The Wooing of Princess Pattrue- General Maarask The Awakening of John Bondtrue- John Bond Profile Images
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