Gretchen Lederer
Gretchen Lederer
Top Movie Cast
A Kentucky Cinderellatrue- Miss Morgan Hungry Eyestrue- Bessie Dupont Beauty in Chainstrue- Juana Toya The Yaquitrue- Señora Esteban If My Country Should Calltrue- Mrs. Ardrath The Way of the Worldtrue- Mrs. Nevill Black Fridaytrue- Zoldene The Mark of Caintrue- Mrs. Wilson Polly Redheadtrue- Lady Osterley Bondagetrue- Francesca Taft Bobbie of the Ballettrue- Velma Vrooman The Grasp of Greedtrue- Lady Holmhurst Little Eve Edgartontrue- Cousin Elsa Princess Virtuetrue- Mlle. Sari The Rescuetrue- Nell Jerrold The Little Orphantrue- Mrs. Billy Hardwick New Love for Oldtrue- Marie Beauchamp My Little Boytrue- Clara's Mother The Spotted Lilytrue- Sonia Maroff The Little Piratetrue- Virginia Baird Riddle Gawnetrue- Blanche Dillon Two Men of Sandy Bartrue- The Duchess The Morals of Hildatrue- Hilda Wife or Countrytrue- Gretchen Barker Doctor Neighbortrue- Christine Hall The Lair of the Wolftrue- Margaret Dennis Profile Images
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