Gerald Taylor
Gerald Taylor
Top Movie Cast
Chitty Chitty Bang Bangtrue- Inventor Dr. Who and the Dalekstrue- Dalek Operator The Patriot Gametrue- Skouse The Sex Thieftrue- Herbert Barrow Doctor Who: The Dalekstrue- Dalek Doctor Who: The Chasetrue- Dalek Doctor Who: The Monster of Peladontrue- Vega Nexos Doctor Who: The War Machinestrue- War Machine Operator/The Voice of WOTAN Doctor Who: The Web Planettrue- Zarbi Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion of Earthtrue- Dalek Doctor Who: The Dæmonstrue- Baker's Man Doctor Who: The Evil of the Dalekstrue- Dalek Doctor Who: The Daleks' Master Plantrue- Dalek Doctor Who: The Underwater Menacetrue- Damon's Assistant