Otto Brandenburg
Otto Brandenburg
Top Movie Cast
Rubber Tarzantrue- Ole, the crane driver The Goldcabbage Familytrue- Krogæst The Goldcabbage Family Gets the Votetrue Benny's Bathtubtrue- Lobster Boy (voice) The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Beartrue- Male Bear (voice) Don Olsen kommer til byentrue- Sanger, Jens Kidnapningtrue- Onkel Georg Three Angels and Five Lionstrue- Onkel Georg Mine tossede drengetrue- William Henriksen Circleen - Mice & Romancetrue- The Earth Rat Circleen - City Mousetrue- Earth-rat (Voice) Me and Charlytrue- Journalist Emma's Shadowtrue- Tage Vilse Coppertrue- Willer Johansen The Kingdom IItrue- Hansen Har du set Alice?true- Alice's Father The Secret Weapontrue- Attila Black Harvesttrue- Lars Kusk Oh, to Be on the Bandwagon!true- Lasse Sofies skolegangtrue- Skomager Tilløkke Herbert!true- Herbert Mændenes Forbundtrue- Algot Prop and Bertatrue- Prop (voice) Justine and Juliettetrue- Portier Hans Christian Andersen and the Long Shadowtrue Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairietrue Sømand i knibetrue- Jesper In the Sign of the Taurustrue- Albert Bejleren - en jysk røverhistorietrue- Røver Lenin, You Rascal, Youtrue- Czar's Bodyguard Girls at Armstrue- Guard Commander The Ghost Traintrue- Den mystiske hr. K. Jumpin' at the Bedsidetrue- Ramlenbergers assistent Bedside Sailorstrue- Andenmester Bedside Dentisttrue- Otto Watch Your Back, Professor!true- Sanger Did Somebody Laugh?true- Graveren Next Stop - Paradisetrue- John, Dagmars søn Children of the Warriorstrue Revolutionen i vandkantentrue- Generalens hjælper