John Sanborn
John Sanborn
Top Movie Cast
Group Portrait: Six Artists in Videotrue- Self Awakening from the 20th Centurytrue Top Movie Crew
Resolution of the EyetrueDirecting
ALLoT (A Long List of Things)trueWriting
Music Word Fire And I Would Do It Again (Coo-Coo): The LessonstrueDirecting
Exquisite Moving CorpsetrueDirecting
ALLoT (A Long List of Things)trueDirecting
Triple TroubletrueProduction
Perfect LivestrueDirecting
The Super-8 Show: Beyond Home MoviestrueDirecting
The Eyes Scream: A History of the ResidentstrueDirecting
Spray-On VideotrueDirecting
Olympic FragmentstrueDirecting
And Now This...trueDirecting
Entropy and OrdertrueDirecting
Sister Suzie CinematrueDirecting
Ear to the GroundtrueDirecting
Infinite EschertrueWriting
Infinite EschertrueDirecting
The Residents' God in 3 PersonstrueDirecting
The Residents' God in 3 PersonstrueEditing
The Residents' God in 3 PersonstrueCrew
PICO (reMIX)trueDirecting