Nikolai Sergeyev
Nikolai Sergeyev
Top Movie Cast
Andrei Rublevtrue- Feofan Grek A Snow Fairy Taletrue- Petushkov I Wish to Speaktrue- Stepan Trofimovich Midshipman Panintrue- Captain Nikolai Vasilyevich Sergeyev The Return Of The 'Saint Luke'true- музейный хранитель The Roundabouttrue- Conductor The Tight Knottrue- Ignat Gmyzin Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Weddingtrue There Was an Old Coupletrue Nylon 100%true- иллюзионист Сольди In the Town of S.true- больной мужик Time, Forward!true- Ivan Kuzmich Five Days, Five Nightstrue- Schagin The Sun Shines to Everyonetrue- Maksim Petrovich Аварияtrue- Алексей Николаевич - адвокат From Dawn Till Sunsettrue- Силантий Мироныч Бревнов Concerto for Two Violinstrue- Olya's grandfather Телеграммаtrue- Тихон Иванович A Big Familytrue- Basmanov Fathers and Sonstrue- Василий Иванович Базаров The Song of Manshuktrue- engineer Other People's Relativestrue- Silan Ryashkin Wake Mukhin Up!true- physics teacher / Galileo Galilei The Property of Republictrue- иконописец Данила Косой Moonlit Nightstrue- Pavel Dmitriyevich Swans of Nepriadvatrue- Sergiy Radonezhskiy (voice) Tom Thumbtrue- Old man (voice) The Flighttrue- гробовщик The Alive and the Deadtrue- Зосима Иванович, сосед Синцова