Maxine Elliott Hicks
Maxine Elliott Hicks
Top Movie Cast
Nerds of a Feathertrue- 150 year old woman The Eternal Mothertrue- Felice The Thundering Herdtrue- Sally Hudnall The Gilded Dreamtrue- Hicks When the West Was Youngtrue- Tom Bowles' Daughter Fighting Oddstrue- Mrs. Copley The Midnight Alarmtrue- Aggie The Poor Little Rich Girltrue- Susie May Squoggs (as Maxine Hicks) Navy Bluestrue- Girl in Sweatshop Defending Your Lifetrue- Elderly Woman on Tram Hollywood Hot Tubstrue- Sylvia East Side - West Sidetrue- Kit Lamson Enticementtrue- Olicw Merley Woman-Prooftrue- Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited) Happytrue- Mrs. Fisher (as Maxine Elliott) Babbitttrue- Verona Babbitt The Right to Happinesstrue- Sickly Tenement Neighbor Wicked Stepmothertrue- Mathilda The Crimson Dovetrue- Minnie Zugg