Dennis Devine
Dennis Devine
Top Movie Cast
Things 4true- Survivor Interviewee #5 Dead Girls Rock: Looking Back at Dead Girlstrue- Himself Top Movie Crew
Don't Look In The CellartrueDirecting
Alice in MurderlandtrueDirecting
The Occultist 2: Bloody Guinea PigstrueCrew
The Occultist 2: Bloody Guinea PigstrueEditing
Get the GirltrueDirecting
Fatal ImagestrueDirecting
Don't Look In The CellartrueCrew
DeWitt and MariatrueDirecting
Axegrinder 4: Souls of BloodtrueDirecting
Axegrinder 5: Blood VengeancetrueDirecting
Camp Blood KillstrueDirecting
Night of the DeadtrueWriting
Night of the DeadtrueWriting
Night of the DeadtrueEditing
Axegrinder 5: Blood VengeancetrueWriting
Axegrinder 4: Souls of BloodtrueWriting
Axegrinder 5: Blood VengeancetrueEditing
Axegrinder 4: Souls of BloodtrueEditing
Curse of Pirate DeathtrueDirecting
Night of the DeadtrueDirecting
Camp Blood 8: RevelationstrueEditing
Vampire Time TravelerstrueCamera
Interstellar WarstrueCamera
Alice in MurderlandtrueWriting
Don't Look In The CellartrueWriting
Vampires of Sorority RowtrueDirecting
Vampires of Sorority RowtrueWriting
Vampires of Sorority RowtrueProduction
Lizzie Borden's RevengetrueDirecting
Merchants of DeathtrueDirecting
Vampires of Sorority Row Part IItrueDirecting
Vampires of Sorority Row Part IItrueWriting
Vampire Club 3DtrueWriting
Chain of SoulstrueWriting
Vampire Club 3DtrueDirecting
The Haunting of La LloronatrueDirecting
The Haunting of La LloronatrueEditing
Amazon WarriortrueDirecting
Camp Blood 8: RevelationstrueDirecting
Camp Blood 8: RevelationstrueWriting
Blood Mask: the Possession of Nicole LamerouxtrueDirecting
The Amazing BulktrueCamera
Sleazy Does It with Sally MullinstrueDirecting
Sleazy Does It with Sally MullinstrueCrew
Vampire Boys 2: The New BroodtrueCrew
Lizzie Borden's RevengetrueWriting
Nightmare in ArgustrueDirecting