Yurike Prastica
Yurike Prastica
Top Movie Cast
Fire of Jealousytrue- Maya KNK: Santa Claus Dari Jakarta?true Suzanna: Kliwon Friday Nighttrue- Dukun Beranak Dilarang Menyanyi di Kamar Manditrue Hello Ghosttrue- Tante Rosi Crush the Love Adventurerstrue Rumah Masa Depantrue- Ibu Suwito The Warrior and the Ocean Goddesstrue- Dewi Samodra (as Yurike Prastika) Perjanjian Gaibtrue- Bu Marni Demi Si Buah Hatitrue- Haryati Bloodstained Paintingtrue- Diarsi The Blood of Kolong Wewe's Widowtrue- Oma Susi Vengeance of the Eagle Eyetrue- Warti Tarzan: King of the Jungletrue- Gina Midnight Guesttrue- Suryani Demon with The Silver Sickletrue Mystery of Mount Merapi II: Flower Bead Nyai Spirittrue- Nyai Kembang Mystery of Mount Merapi: The Old House's Inhabitantstrue- Nyai Kembang Revenge of the Abandoned Childtrue- Seruni Three Blood Demons and the Whip of Fire and Windtrue- Sekarsari Hawk from the Southtrue- Srikandi (as Yurike) The Maling Kuburanstrue- Suster Ike Love Junctiontrue- Ibu Dito The Vile in Black Mosstrue Total Chaostrue- Riri (Mama Rully) Susuk Pocongtrue- (as Jurike Prastika) Love and Blood Stainstrue- Mirna Mandala, The Tar Tar Conquerortrue- Valas I Love You Masbrotrue- Alia's Mother Jodoh Boleh Diaturtrue- Winda Lihat Boleh, Pegang Jangantrue- Ibu Umi Enak Tho Zamanku: Piye Kabaretrue Lady Terminatortrue- Wanda (uncredited) Jago-Jago Bayaran (Si Gobang II)true- Nio Suamiku Sayangtrue- Evita Profile Images
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