Clyde Cook
Clyde Cook
Top Movie Cast
The Docks of New Yorktrue- 'Sugar' Steve Blondie of the Folliestrue- Dancer The Dude Wranglertrue- Pinkey Fripp The Verdicttrue- Barney Cole Ladies in Retirementtrue- Bates Arrest Bulldog Drummondtrue- Constable Sacker Tugboat Princesstrue- Steve, the Engineer Bulldog Drummond Escapestrue- Constable Alf Loose in Londontrue- English Cabbie White Cargotrue- Ted, First Mate of the Congo Queen Wandering Papastrue- Camp Cook Bulldog Drummond's Periltrue- Constable Sacker Interferencetrue- Hearse Driver Wife Tamerstrue- The Butler The Man from Down Undertrue- Ginger Gaffney The Misfittrue- The Henpecked Husband The Spielertrue- Luke aka 'Perfesser' McIntosh West of Singaporetrue- Ricky Women Everywheretrue- Sam Jones Officer O'Brientrue- Charlie "Limo" Lewis What Price Taxitrue- Taxi Boy The Winning of Barbara Worthtrue- Tex Jazz Heaventrue- Max Langley Good Time Charleytrue- Bill Collins Wings of Adventuretrue- Pete 'Skeets' Smith Domestic Troublestrue- James Bullard / Horace Bullard The Secret Witnesstrue- Larson - Building Engineer The White Angeltrue- Perkins (uncredited) The Little Princesstrue- Attendant Bulldog Drummond's Secret Policetrue- Constable Hawkins Bulldog Drummond's Bridetrue- Traffic Control Constable The Light That Failedtrue- Soldier Oliver Twisttrue- Chitling Pack Up Your Troublestrue- British Guard Kidnappedtrue- Blubber - the Ship's Cook When Willie Comes Marching Hometrue- Tarjack (uncredited) To the Victortrue- Cockney Bartender Another Dawntrue- Sergeant Murphy What's the World Coming To?true- Claudia, the Blushing Groom / the baby In the Headlinestrue- Flashlight Moonlight and Nosestrue- A Burglar Five and Ten Cent Annietrue- Elmer Peck Sergeant Yorktrue- Cockney Soldier (uncredited) Never the Twain Shall Meettrue- Porter Strange Innertubetrue- Hercules The Sea Hawktrue- Walter Boggs Dance, Girl, Dancetrue- Claude (uncredited) The Dawn Patroltrue- Bott A Dangerous Womantrue- Tubbs Storm Over Bengaltrue- Alf The Taming of the Shrewtrue- Grumio Beware of Bachelorstrue- Joe Babbitt The White Cliffs of Dovertrue- Jennings (uncredited) The Gay Ninetiestrue- Skit The Informertrue- Flash Patron Should Sailors Marry?true- Cyril D'Armond Pay as You Entertrue- Clyde Jones Beware of Married Mentrue- Botts The Climberstrue- Pancho Mendoza A Sailor's Sweethearttrue- Sandy McTavish Wee Willie Winkietrue- Pipe Major Sneath Suspiciontrue- Photographer (uncredited) The Mysterious Doctortrue- Herbert Through the Breakerstrue- John Lancaster This Above Alltrue- Truck Driver So This Is Marriage?true- Mr. Brown The Bush Leaguertrue- Skeeter McKinnon Top Movie Crew
Dick TurpintrueProduction