Aileen Manning
Aileen Manning
Top Movie Cast
A Single Mantrue- Mrs. Farley The Third Alarmtrue- Mrs. Craig - Orphanage Matron The Whole Town's Talkingtrue- Mrs. Van Loon Uncle Tom's Cabintrue- Aunt Ophelia The Virgin Queentrue- Queen Elizabeth Range Lawtrue- Ruth's attendant Heart to Hearttrue- Aunt Meta Mixed Facestrue- Mrs. Molly Crutcher Beauty's Worthtrue- Aunt Cynthia Whitney The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Cometrue- Cousin Lucy Rags to Richestrue- Purist League member Nobody's Moneytrue- Prue Kimball Home Stufftrue- Mrs. 'Pat' Stella Maristrue- Mary Heaton Home, Jamestrue- Mrs. Elliot The Power of Lovetrue- Ysabel Almeda Vacation Wavestrue- His Mother-in-law Everybody's Sweethearttrue- Sophia Treadwell Call Againtrue- Mrs. Tuttle No Publicitytrue- Miss Delilah Blue Wedding Ringstrue- Ester Quinn A Regular Fellowtrue- Mrs. JHoratio Grimm Huckleberry Finntrue- Abigail Martin Under the Rougetrue- Mrs. Fleck Enticementtrue- The Old Maid The Bridge of Sighstrue- Mrs. Smithers The House of Youthtrue- Aunt Maggie Endicott Her Marriage Vowtrue- Spinster Main Streettrue- Mrs. Stowbody A Tailor-Made Mantrue- Miss Shayn