Joseph Burke
Joseph Burke
Top Movie Cast
Come on Intrue- Professor G. Wottan Orphul-Schmell Fascinating Youthtrue- Ward's Secretary Independence, B'Goshtrue- Sam Jenkins The Pinch Hittertrue- Charlie Help! Help! Police!true- The Judge The Awakening of Ruthtrue- Reuben Hoagland Obey Your Husbandtrue- Jim Life or Honor?true- J.T. Manly Chris and His Wonderful Lamptrue- Professor Cipher The Royal Ridertrue- Kings Tutor The White Rosetrue- The Landlord Hangman's Housetrue- Neddy Joe - Dermot's Servant The Immortal Flametrue- James Forbes De Luxe Annietrue- Cyrus Monroe Through the Toilstrue- Benson Pied Piper Malonetrue- Mr. Thomas (as Joseph Burke) Kidnappedtrue- Ebenezer Balfour His Children's Childrentrue- Uncle Billy McGaw The Perfect Womantrue- J.J. Simmons 'Morning, Judgetrue- The Judge The Lucky Deviltrue- The Professor South Of Panamatrue- Garcia Cecilia of the Pink Rosestrue- Dr. McNeil Too Many Kissestrue- Mr. Simmons Clarissa's Charming Calftrue Blow Your Horntrue- Western Union Employer West of the Water Towertrue- Town Drunk