Kwak Ja-hyung
Kwak Ja-hyung
Top Movie Cast
Ode to the Goosetrue- Fight Man Championtrue- Macho Driver Concrete Utopiatrue- Mr. Wang Romance Joetrue- Restroom Man The Closettrue- PD Bang Song-guk Last Childtrue- Public Prosecutor Tazza: The Hidden Cardtrue- Kko-jang House Cheong-ho Protector The Spy Gone Northtrue- Jang Seong-hoon 12.12: The Daytrue- Colonel Lee Bloody Fight in Iron-Rock Valleytrue- Do-Ggi Mr. Zoo: The Missing VIPtrue- Boar (voice) Part-Time Spytrue- Chief Financial Officer The Night of the Witnesstrue Gyeongjutrue- Lee Chun-won Dead Mantrue- Special assistant The Unjusttrue- Detective Kwak Pacemakertrue- Loan shark Profile Images
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