Vladimir Pitsek
Vladimir Pitsek
Top Movie Cast
We're from Jazztrue- doorman Происшествиеtrue- браконьер Василий Пронькин Goodbye, Boys!true- любопытный рабочий Bootleggerstrue- милиционер The Invisible Mantrue- Teddy Henfrey Вчера, сегодня и всегдаtrue- бухгалтер Carnival Nighttrue- floor polisher Maria, the Wonderful Weavertrue The Extraterrestrial Womentrue Smoke of the Fatherlandtrue The Black Triangletrue- Алсуфьев Twenty Six Days in the Life of Dostoevskytrue Kak rozhdayutsya tostytrue No Password Necessarytrue Story of an Unknown Actortrue Devil With a Briefcasetrue Five Days, Five Nightstrue- Galkin The Sun Shines to Everyonetrue Urgent... Secret... CheKatrue The Journalisttrue- Vladimir Kondratyevich Looking for My Fatetrue- veteran The Miretrue- truck driver My Younger Brothertrue- Saul The Mysterious Monktrue- адъютант The Secret Agent's Blundertrue- Dmitri The Communisttrue- way station chief Third Timetrue- german officer Father of a Soldiertrue- Hospital registrar Deadly Enemytrue- Petrovich Three Days of Viktor Chernyshyovtrue- buyer No Fear, No Blametrue- player at the racetrack (uncredited) Girl without an Addresstrue ...А человек играет на трубеtrue- Silence Lover Ау-у! (Киноальманах)true- Ваня муж тогровки («И подъехали к избе сваты… Или похождения писателя Сени в поисках слова затаённого») Strictly Businesstrue- train driver (story «The Roads We Take»)