Johannes Grenzfurthner
Johannes Grenzfurthner
Top Movie Cast
Hacking at Leavestrue- Self / host The Void's Foaming Ebbtrue- Cuneiform Tablet Second Door to the Righttrue- Kamerad Kurt Kienast Fudliaks! Tear the Sexes Apart!true- Fudliak 3 SLUGFESTtrue- Literally Every Man Musings Of A Mechatronic Mistresstrue- Johannes Grenzfurthner Solventtrue- Ernst Bartholdi Traceroutetrue- Host / Self Glossary of Broken Dreamstrue- Host / Doktor Ullmaier (voice) / Frau Schlammpeitzinger / Johannes Kepler / The 1% / Harnulf Rohrkrepierer Clickbaittrue- Wolfgang van Tütstrudel Umbilicus Desiderotrue- Dr. Alexei Pupok-Nyet Je Suis Autotrue- Herbie Fuchsel The Transformations of the Transformations of the Drs. Jenkinstrue- Dr. Jenkins / Dr. Jenkins / Self 73rd Communique of the CPSUZOeDtrue- His Excellency Commissioner Nikita P. Chrusov Masking Thresholdtrue- Protagonist (corporeal) Top Movie Crew
Fudliaks! Tear the Sexes Apart!trueWriting
Fudliaks! Tear the Sexes Apart!trueProduction
73rd Communique of the CPSUZOeDtrueDirecting
Masking ThresholdtrueWriting
Masking ThresholdtrueProduction
Masking ThresholdtrueEditing
Masking ThresholdtrueDirecting
Die Gstettensaga: The Rise of EchsenfriedltrueDirecting
Musings Of A Mechatronic MistresstrueWriting
Hacking at LeavestrueDirecting
Hacking at LeavestrueWriting
Die Gstettensaga: The Rise of EchsenfriedltrueWriting
The Void's Foaming EbbtrueDirecting
The Void's Foaming EbbtrueWriting
Glossary of Broken DreamstrueDirecting
Glossary of Broken DreamstrueWriting
Glossary of Broken DreamstrueProduction
Glossary of Broken DreamstrueCamera
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