Vasile Albineț
Vasile Albineț
Top Movie Cast
A Cursed Monarchytrue- Count 7 Secondstrue- Russian (uncredited) Headless Horsemantrue- Headless / Calvin Montgomery Flight of Furytrue- Rebel Forces Anacondas: Trail of Bloodtrue- Mercenary #4 Last Gasptrue- Mercenary (uncredited) Somnul insuleitrue- Polițist The Secret of the Secret Weapontrue What a Happy Worldtrue- Bodyguard Mirrortrue- German officer The Woman in Redtrue- Gangster The Idle Princes of the Old Courttrue- Turk commander The Esseker Filetrue- Hospital Orderly 1 Top Movie Crew
Frankenstein Reborn!trueCrew
Oblivion 2: BacklashtrueCrew
Anaconda 3: OffspringtrueCrew
Anacondas: Trail of BloodtrueCrew
Huntress: Spirit of the NighttrueCrew
The Secret KingdomtrueCrew
Second in CommandtrueCrew