Hiroshi Ueda
Hiroshi Ueda
Top Movie Cast
Akado Suzunosuke and the Vacuum Slash of the Asuka Schooltrue Shin nitōhei monogatari medetaku gaisen no makitrue Akado Suzunosuke vs. the One-Legged Deviltrue The Woman in the Rumortrue- Takeshita Haru ranman tanuki matsuritrue The Man From Chungkingtrue- Kaneko Yūsaku The Grand Mastertrue- Masago Gate of Helltrue- Oil Salesman Sudden Attack of the Christian Lordtrue Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasiontrue Gambler and the Princesstrue Conflagrationtrue- Man in suit The Straits of Love and Hatetrue The Invisible Man Appearstrue- Nagayoshi Tanimoto Sazen Tange: The Monkey Pottrue The Scent of Pheasant’s Eye: An Episode from the Tales of Flowerstrue- Photographer Ghost Story: Passion in Fukagawatrue New Journey of Yaji and Kitatrue Ghost-Cat of Yonaki Swamptrue Zangiku monogataritrue- Customer of theater restaurant Fighting Letter for 29 Peopletrue The Motherland Far Far Awaytrue- Okazaki Vampire Dead Beauty Carvingtrue Nage Utasamon niban tegara: Tsuri tenjô no semushi otokotrue