Irina Sokolova
Irina Sokolova
Top Movie Cast
Days of Eclipsetrue- Malyanov's Sister Return to Zurbagantrue- Antonina Semyonovna The Edelweiss Piratestrue- Friedel Krämer Serving the Soviet Union!true Dancing Ghoststrue- Galina Nikolaevna Under Electric Cloudstrue Jolly Fellowstrue- aunt Dasha Molochtrue- Joseph Goebbels Mournful Unconcerntrue- Guinness's nurse The Turn of the Centurytrue- Marina Nikolaevna Вербное воскресеньеtrue- Naumovna, cellmate of Oksana Maigret and the Man on the Benchtrue- Madame Toure The Road to Rübezahltrue- Dusya Ruma Elsatrue- Мини, служанка The Rest Is Silencetrue- Cora Payne The Strange Mrs. Savagetrue- Mrs. Paddy A Gift from Soldier Ivan Varezhkintrue Profile Images
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