Dug Rotstein
Dug Rotstein
Top Movie Cast
South Pacific 1942true- Colin B. Top Movie Crew
Assault on Precinct 13trueDirecting
The Day the Earth Stood StilltrueDirecting
The 51st StatetrueDirecting
Martha Behind BarstrueDirecting
American Pie Presents: The Naked MiletrueDirecting
Maps to the StarstrueDirecting
Nora Roberts' Angels FalltrueDirecting
Resident Evil: AfterlifetrueDirecting
The Three MusketeerstrueDirecting
Dawn of the DeadtrueDirecting
Fantastic FourtrueDirecting
A History of ViolencetrueDirecting
Take This WaltztrueDirecting
Crimson PeaktrueDirecting
Blood and WinetrueDirecting
Kill the IrishmantrueDirecting
Dead RingerstrueDirecting
Deepwater HorizontrueDirecting
Really Weird TalestrueDirecting
Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of CamelottrueDirecting
The Shape of WatertrueDirecting
The Mortal Instruments: City of BonestrueDirecting
The Equalizer 2trueDirecting
Scary Stories to Tell in the DarktrueDirecting
Bad Boys for LifetrueDirecting