Dennis O'Connor
Dennis O'Connor
Top Movie Cast
Trilogy of Terror IItrue- Brig The Conspiracytrue- Robert Williams Shades of Love: The Ballerina and the Bluestrue- Izzy In the Mouth of Madnesstrue- Cop The Park Is Minetrue- Sergeant Duffy The Santa Clausetrue- Mailman Heaven On Earthtrue- Carnival Barker Backroadstrue- Marc Leduc The Town Christmas Forgottrue- Donavan The Tin Flutetrue- Phil Morin Goosebumps: The Headless Ghosttrue- Otto The Funny Farmtrue- Lorne Hawkins For Those I Lovedtrue- Le douanier à New York Fire and Ice: The Rocket Richard Riottrue- Narrator Split Imagestrue- Jasinski Hot Dogstrue- Drunk in park