Lee Roberts
Lee Roberts
Top Movie Cast
The Lost Tribetrue- Avery - Henchman Dynamitetrue- Christmas Party Guest (uncredited) Dial Red Otrue- First Patrolman (uncredited) Missile to the Moontrue- Sheriff Cramer Nevada Badmentrue- Clint - Henchman King of the Congotrue- Lt. Blake Storm Warningtrue- Driver (uncredited) Fort Yumatrue- Capt. Santley (uncredited) Fort Vengeancetrue- Montana Posseman (uncredited) Pirates of the High Seastrue- Barker - Phantom Cruiser Henchman [Chs.1-4] Law of the Lashtrue- Lefty Texas Lawmentrue- Steve Morrow The Fighting Redheadtrue- Henchman Goldie Grant The Lost Planettrue- Wesley Brenn The Great Adventures of Captain Kiddtrue- Devry Short Grasstrue- Fenton Henchman (uncredited) Distant Drumstrue- Pvt. Tibbett Death Valley Rangerstrue- Ranger Michaels Backlashtrue- Fresno, Bonniwell Henchman (uncredited) Battle of Rogue Rivertrue- Lt. Keith Ryan Rimfiretrue- Jesse Norton Special Agenttrue- Joe - Train Brakeman (uncredited) South of Death Valleytrue- Scotty Tavish The Red Badge of Couragetrue- Union Soldier (uncredited) The Spirit of St. Louistrue- Photographer (uncredited) Battling Marshaltrue- Sidekick Lucky Riding with Buffalo Billtrue- Zeke Canyon Ambushtrue- Sheriff Bob Conway Blazing the Overland Trailtrue- Tom Bridger Cherokee Uprisingtrue- Henchman Kansas Colorado Ambushtrue- Henchman Gus Covered Wagon Raidtrue- Henchman Steve Desperadoes of the Westtrue- Larson Stars Over Texastrue- Hank Lawrence, Bar L Lawless Cowboystrue- Cory Hanson The Longhorntrue- Cowhand Clark Man from Sonoratrue- Duke Mantell Montana Desperadotrue- Hal Jackson Stage to Blue Rivertrue- Ted Crosby Law of the Panhandletrue- Henchman Judd Desperadoes' Outposttrue- Henchman Spec Matson Fort Osagetrue- Henchman (uncredited) The Lion and the Horsetrue- Riggs Kansas Territorytrue- Arthur Larkin Outlaw Trailtrue- Marshal #2 (uncredited) Wild Westtrue- Captain Rogers Ghost Town Renegadestrue- Luther Johnson Wild Countrytrue- Sheriff Josh Huckings The Law Comes to Gunsighttrue- Pecos The James Brothers of Missouritrue- 'Brandy' Jones [Chs. 6-7] Mark of the Lashtrue- Ace Talbot Deadlinetrue- Henchman Trigger Fighting Mustangtrue- Attorney General Clark Wells Fargo Gunmastertrue- Townsman Whistling Hillstrue- Slade - Henchman Riders of the Dusktrue- Danny Square Dance Jubileetrue- Line-Shack Henchman Vigilante Terrortrue- Wilson Gunfighters of the Northwesttrue- Arnold Reed - Ch's 1-2 Woman on the Runtrue- Cop (uncredited) A Man Alonetrue- Higgs (uncredited) Profile Images
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