Pyotr Sobolevsky
Pyotr Sobolevsky
Top Movie Cast
The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchishtrue- буржуинский офицер Admiral Nakhimovtrue- Ostreno Executed at the Dawntrue- Pyotr Gresser, gradonachalnik Включите северное сияниеtrue- Peter Savelyevich Minin and Pozharskytrue- Anokha Alonetrue- Kuzmina's Fiance Strong with Spirittrue- Hauptman The Golden Roadtrue- Friet Ebing The New Babylontrue- Jean, the soldier We Are from Kronstadttrue- A Lieutenant The Overcoattrue- чиновник The Secret of Two Oceanstrue- Druzhinin, assistant commander The Devil's Wheeltrue- Vanya Shorin An Optimistic Tragedytrue- ship's doctor The Disappearance of "Eagle"true Alyosha's Lovetrue- Belogorov The Mysterious Monktrue- полковник контрразведки Moscow Skiestrue- captain Goncharov The First Datetrue- police captain Nadezhdatrue- judicial officer The Club of the Big Deedtrue- Sukhanov The Twenty Six Comissarstrue Summer is Short in the Mountainstrue- Engineer