Jorge Timm
Jorge Timm
Top Movie Cast
The Work of the Jorge Timmtrue- Self Rage-O-Ramatrue- Mickey Cossaculo A Invasão dos Canibais Independentes: editando, produzindo e trabalhando com a Canibal Filmestrue- Archival footage The Leguminous Monster from Outer Space 2true- Pai da menina Na cabeça de Baiestorftrue- Archival footage Shuim: O Grande Dragão Rosatrue- Sumo 1 The Whore with the Chainsawtrue- Fisherman Zombio 2true- Bodegueiro do sonho de Klaus Canibais na HorrorContrue- Self The Sweet Advance of the Knifetrue They Eat Your Fleshtrue- Elvis, O Cozinheiro When the Gods Crytrue- Apresentação The Crazy Origin of Covid-19true- Mickey Cossaculo The Leguminous Monster from Outer Spacetrue- Seguidor 3 Su’s Farewell - Eyes and Mouthstrue Buscando la Película Perdidatrue The Three Stooges and Thousands of Killerstrue- Assassino Noisy Silencerstrue- Assassino Top Movie Crew
Bestials in Celestial RagetrueWriting
Bestials in Celestial RagetrueProduction
The Violent CockoldtrueProduction
Fragments of a LifetrueProduction
When the Gods CrytrueProduction
The Crazy Origin of Covid-19trueProduction
The Leguminous Monster from Outer SpacetrueProduction