Inez Palange
Inez Palange
Top Movie Cast
Scarfacetrue- Mrs. Camonte One Million B.C.true- Tohana Dodsworthtrue- Teresa (Uncredited) Monster from the Ocean Floortrue- Tula The Age of Innocencetrue- Natasia Bedsidetrue- Italian Mother Mary Stevens, M.D.true- Tony's Wife (uncredited) Romance of the Rio Grandetrue- Mama Lopez Flirting with Fatetrue- Senora Lopez The Black Dolltrue- Rosita, the housekeeper I Was an Adventuresstrue- Fisherman's Wife Song of the Citytrue- Mrs. Romandi Ebb Tidetrue- Native Woman Man Of The Peopletrue- Italian Woman (uncredited) You Can't Have Everythingtrue- Mrs. Romano (uncredited) Caught in the Acttrue- Mary Ripportella Men Of Americatrue- Mrs. Garboni Robin Hood of El Doradotrue- Nurse with Madre The Lady and the Mobtrue- Mrs. Angela Zambrogio Life Begins at Eight-Thirtytrue- Mrs. Spano Women Are Troubletrue- Italian Mother Only Angels Have Wingstrue- Lily's Aunt Chicken Wagon Familytrue- Mrs. Buzzi Frankensteintrue- Villager (uncredited) Portia on Trialtrue- Mrs. Gannow Viva Cisco Kidtrue- Maria The Grapes of Wrathtrue- Woman in Camp (uncredited) Libeled Ladytrue- Fortune Teller (uncredited) Once a Doctortrue- Mrs. Rossi Behind the Newstrue- Almedo's Landlady Under Fiesta Starstrue- Mrs. Romero Dinkytrue- Junkman's Wife Break of Heartstrue- Violin Student's Mother (uncredited) Winner Take Alltrue- Mama Gambini Speed to Burntrue- Mama Gambini (as Ines Palange) Night Flighttrue- Simone's Maid (uncredited) Flight from Destinytrue- Mrs. Moraciagos A Bell for Adanotrue- Italian Woman Tiger Sharktrue- Mike's Neighbor (uncredited) Marie Antoinettetrue- Fish Wife (uncredited) Alibi Rackettrue- Mrs. Rinelli Little Miss Roughnecktrue- Mercedes Orozco The Melody Lingers ontrue- Louisa