Albert Broquin
Albert Broquin
Top Movie Cast
Billeting Overtrue- Filerin Le Crime du Bouiftrue- un agent Les Misérablestrue- Chenildieu The Regiment's Championtrue Un client de provincetrue- Victor Francis the Firsttrue- Le marchand de sucettes English as it is spokentrue L'héritier du Bal Tabarintrue Bach the Detectivetrue- The flyer distributor À nous deux, madame la vietrue- Bank orderly Herculetrue- Ficelle (uncredited) L'ange que j'ai vendutrue Annette and the Blonde Womantrue- The tramp (uncredited) Bargekeepers Daughtertrue- The butcher Signé illisibletrue- The tramp Deputy Eusèbetrue- The stage manager The Lost Womantrue- Tramp (uncredited) His Uncle from Normandytrue The Count of Monte Cristo Part 1 - The Prisoner of Kastelltrue- Un marin (uncredited) The Chain Breakertrue- Un musicien (uncredited) Face au destintrue- A legionnaire Threatstrue- Un mobilisé (uncredited) Radio Surprisestrue- The butcher Bach en correctionnelletrue Monsieur des Lourdinestrue- (uncredited) Dropped from Heaventrue- The tramp at the Gare de Lyon Dreams of Lovetrue- Worker at Erard White as Snowtrue- Lawyer Silence Is Goldentrue- Un machiniste (uncredited) Emile the Africantrue- An extra L'Ombretrue- The concierge Mandrin (1ère époque) Le libérateurtrue The Cupboard Was Baretrue- Inspector (uncredited) Wear His Heart on His Sleevetrue- Cafe owner in the rue de Lappe Les Dieux du dimanchetrue- A peasant Fantomas Against Fantomastrue- (uncredited) Fort De La Solitudetrue- Soldier The Private Life of an Actortrue Five Red Tulipstrue- Mechanic (uncredited) La Bataille du feutrue- Peasant The Farm of Seven Sinstrue- Un paysan (uncredited) Amour et carburateurtrue- Bébert The Curtain Risestrue- Le crieur de journaux (uncredited) À Nous la Libertétrue- Le marchand de primeurs Children of Paradisetrue- (uncredited) The Desertertrue- (uncredited) Jean de la Lunetrue- Stage manager (uncredited) The Murdered Modeltrue- Consumer (uncredited) Scandals of Clochemerletrue- Le bedeau (uncredited) Mandrin (2ème époque) La Tragédie d'un siècletrue The Elf Kingtrue- Crapaud Here's Berlintrue- Le guide Profile Images
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