Eddie Fetherston
Eddie Fetherston
Top Movie Cast
Manpowertrue- Power Company Telephone Operator (uncredited) Theodora Goes Wildtrue- Reporter (uncredited) North of Shanghaitrue- Clerk Calling All Carstrue- Marty Blake / Marty Dempsey The Ridin' Fooltrue- Bud Warren Alias Mr. Twilighttrue- Warehouse Guard (uncredited) The Mystery Traintrue- Archie Benson The Lost Citytrue- Jerry Delaney Movie Crazytrue- Assistant Director Bill So You Won't Squawktrue- Louie the Wolf's Henchman Women in Prisontrue- Manny Kid Galahadtrue- (uncredited) Who Killed Gail Preston?true- Mike Girls Can Playtrue- Detective Outside Drugstore A Doggone Mixuptrue- Man who won dog collar Air Eaglestrue- Pickpocket Mandrake the Magiciantrue- Rest Home Henchman The Lady Gamblestrue- Horse Player (uncredited) The Game That Killstrue- Cab Driver Happy Landingtrue- Wireless Operator The Gay Deceptiontrue- Wisecracking Passerby (uncredited) The Girl from Calgarytrue- Monte Cooper Girls of the Roadtrue- Driver Killed in Car Crash (Uncredited) Girls' Schooltrue- Ames - Simpson's Chauffeur (uncredited) It Happened in Hollywoodtrue- Eddie - Assistant Director The President Vanishestrue- Radio Man at President's Speech (uncredited) The Nurse from Brooklyntrue- Ambulance Surgeon Let's Fall in Lovetrue- Stagehand Arizona to Broadwaytrue- Monk's Stage Manager Every Night at Eighttrue- Gold Strike Cigarettes Ad Man (uncredited) The Lone Wolf Spy Hunttrue- Footman (uncredited) Homicide Bureautrue- Specks True to the Navytrue- Michael Gentlemen Are Borntrue- Stockbroker at Window Start Cheeringtrue- Man at Water Fountain Devil's Playgroundtrue- Sailor The Mysterious Miss Xtrue- Henchman Devil's Squadrontrue- Photographer One in a Milliontrue- Eddie Cheating Blondestrue- Mitch Boulder Damtrue- Dam Worker (uncredited) Union Pacifictrue- Reporter (uncredited) Golden Boytrue- Reporter Wilson Mr. Smith Goes to Washingtontrue- Senate Reporter (uncredited) Dr. Broadwaytrue- Reporter Old Ironsidestrue- Richard Somers Yukon Flighttrue- Pilot Rufe George Sky Banditstrue- Pilot Buzz Murphy Wings Over Honolulutrue- Radioman Adventure in Saharatrue- Sergeant The Last Hurrahtrue- Man (uncredited) It's a Wonderful Lifetrue- Horace (uncredited) You Can't Take It with Youtrue- Worried Neighbor (uncredited) The Lady Objectstrue- Bartender The Circus Clowntrue- Circus Worker Shadows of the Orienttrue- James 'Flash' Dawson Unseen Enemytrue- Badger - Taxicab Driver Scarfacetrue- Reporter (uncredited) Marked Mentrue- Marty - a thug Deadwood Dicktrue- Phoney Land Registrar Danger On Wheelstrue- Pete They Drive by Nighttrue- Driver in Cafe (uncredited) Behind the Newstrue- Toots - Reporter Hold That Woman!true- Conroy Women Without Namestrue- Reporter Terry and the Piratestrue- Thompson The Green Archertrue- Turk Martin Toppertrue- Courtroom Reporter (uncredited) And Sudden Deathtrue- Newspaperman Good Luck, Mr. Yatestrue- Workman at Ringside Swing, Sister, Swingtrue- Photographer They Dare Not Lovetrue- Reporter Murder in Greenwich Villagetrue- Campbell Security Guard The Face on the Barroom Floortrue- 'Dr. Slick' Waters State Policetrue- Henchman 3 Kids and a Queentrue- Reporter My Man Godfreytrue- Process Server (uncredited) The Lone Wolf in Paristrue- Mace - Henchman The Big Squirttrue- Lucky LaPidus She Had to Choosetrue- Hold-Up Man Black Beautytrue- Reporter The Man from Coloradotrue- Jones (uncredited) Lady in a Jamtrue- Cabbie at Fender-Bender (uncredited) The Frame-Uptrue- Salesman (uncredited) The Man I Lovetrue- Drunk (uncredited)