Top Movie Cast
CONTROL OF VIOLENCEtrue- Chris(older brother) Gensan Punchtrue- Nao Tsuyama The Rise and Fall of Park Avenue and the 10 Roomstrue Everything, Everywheretrue Detective Chinatown 3true- Su Chaiwit's Man Sukiyaki Western Djangotrue Lightning Over the Beyondtrue- Itosu Waiting for Good Newstrue Bloody Snake Under the Suntrue TAP: Perfect Educationtrue- Sôma The Redemption of Sintrue- Tetsuya Tokyo Living Dead Idoltrue- Mitsuo Inuda Kaiji: The Ultimate Gamblertrue- Majima The Dog Bridegroomtrue- Yurina Enemy Withintrue- Lt. Jack Mizuha Okinawan Bluetrue- Yuhi Hanashiro Kakera: A Piece of Our Lifetrue- Bartender Sexual Drivetrue- Ikeyama Nighthawks in Bangkoktrue- Drifter Come and Gotrue- Ryuji Sawada Samurai of the Deadtrue- Tojin X One Last Bloomtrue- Gunji Mô Hitotsu no Yanagawa-gumi: Mukuge no Hanatrue