Earl Metcalfe
Earl Metcalfe
Top Movie Cast
Skid Prooftrue- Rufus Tyler Love's Blindnesstrue- Col. Ralph Dangerfield The Ringtailed Rhinocerostrue- Grouch The Face at Your Windowtrue- Frank Maxwell As No Man Has Lovedtrue- Lt. Riddle The Nation's Periltrue- Lt. Sawyer The Devil's Saddletrue- 'Gentle' Laaadley Partners Againtrue- Aviator The Silent Accusertrue- Phil The Valley of Hatetrue- Lem Darley Atta Boytrue- Mr. Harrie's brother Kit Carson Over the Great Dividetrue- Basil Morgan With Buffalo Bill on the U. P. Trailtrue- Sheriff The Bravery of Doratrue- Juan - the Half-Breed Juan and Juanitatrue- Secondary Role While New York Sleepstrue- The Gangster The Call of the Klondiketrue- Mortimer Pearson Daring Deedstrue- Rance Sheldon The Midnight Messagetrue- Burl The Midnight Suntrue- Nicolai Orloff The Chamber Mysterytrue- Dr. Carroll West The Notorious Ladytrue- Anthony Walford Valley of Hatetrue- Lem Darley The Perils of Our Girl Reporterstrue Mother Eternaltrue- Dr. Emerson Eden and Returntrue- John Grey Profile Images
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