Cahit Irgat
Cahit Irgat
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Kozanoğlutrue- Nasuh Pasha The Favorite Concubine of Selim IIItrue Barbaros Hayrettin Paşatrue- Vespasyo Lale Devritrue- Süleyman Dede This Is How Destiny Wantedtrue Altı Ölü Var/İpsala Cinayetitrue- Ali Rıza Kurbanlık Katiltrue- Şefik The Bread Seller Womantrue Fato: Ya İstiklal Ya Ölümtrue Kilink: Strip and Killtrue Yavuz Sultan Selim Ağlıyortrue Dracula in Istanbultrue- Turan You Were the One I Lovedtrue Forbidden Lovetrue- Celal Bey The Conquest of Constantinopletrue- Constantinos XI, East Roman emperor The Revenge of the Angelstrue Fosforlu'nun Oyunu: Kıtıpiyoza Tuzaktrue Mahallenin Namusutrue- Yakup Son Gecetrue- General Mihailescu Red Plume - Genghis Khantrue- Cengiz Han I’m Not Worthy of Youtrue- Hasan İngiliz Kemaltrue- Miralay Hasan Tahsin I Want to Die With Youtrue- Rıza Son Vurguntrue- Sedat's father Top Movie Crew
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