Charles Lemontier
Charles Lemontier
Top Movie Cast
Love in the Afternoontrue- General (uncredited) Mr. Orchidtrue- Father Charles Les Vignes du Seigneurtrue- Le professeur Duvernier (uncredited) April Fools' Daytrue- M. André Francis the Firsttrue- La Palice Street Without a Nametrue- Cloueur Ladies Only Compartmenttrue- Firmin Seven Men, One Womantrue- Julien L'École des journalistestrue You Can't Fool Antoinettetrue Œil de lynx, détectivetrue To the Sound of Guitarstrue The Smart People of the 11thtrue Monsieur Breloque a disparutrue Street Without Joytrue- (uncredited) Alexis gentleman chauffeurtrue- L'assistant (as Ch. Lemontier) The Southern Trailtrue- Le sergent Horn Un fichu métiertrue- Banker Le Prince Boubouletrue- Charly Eight Men in a Castletrue- Cook Coup de feu dans la nuittrue- Arnaud Cartacalha, reine des gitanstrue Ceux du rivagetrue- Gendarmerie Brigadier The Ménard Collectiontrue- Head waiter Children of Chaostrue- Monsieur Gerbault (uncredited) Mademoiselle Xtrue- Funeral home employee Thirty and Fortytrue- Taciturn traveler in the train The Eternal Husbandtrue- Doctor Alert Nightstrue- Railwayman Le Cabaret du Grand Largetrue- Le commissaire Une mort sans importancetrue- Doctor Le 84 prend des vacancestrue- Engineer Nous avons tous fait la même chosetrue The Secret of Monte-Cristotrue- Antoine Hallu Mandrin (1ère époque) Le libérateurtrue Sending of Flowerstrue- Fragerolles, a member of the 'Chat noir' Le diamant de cent soustrue- Lawyer L'échafaud peut attendretrue- Inspector Sorbier The Secret of Mayerlingtrue- Loschek The Rear-Wheel Drive Gangtrue- Sanzun Born of Unknown Fathertrue- President Utopiatrue- L'ambassadeur In the Land of the Suntrue- The investigating judge Love and Companionshiptrue- Mr. Dupin, a board member Maria of the End of the Worldtrue The Merry Pilgrimstrue- Station master (uncredited) Drôle de nocetrue- Monsieur Désiré Cherished by her conciergetrue Piédalu fait des miraclestrue Les Petites Cardinaltrue- Jacquelin (uncredited) Run Away Mr. Perletrue- Le médecin Martin Roumagnactrue- Mr Bonnemain Piédalu à Paristrue- Prefect Life in a Songtrue- The bearded gentleman of the shelter Mirrortrue- Inspector Ballestra The Contessa's Secrettrue- Le directeur de l'Opéra The Enigma of the Folies-Bergèretrue- Courvoisier Le Chasseur de chez Maxim'strue- Mr. Guinelet, attorney Black Dossiertrue- Un journaliste Reproduction interditetrue Le Petit Jacquestrue- Chaplain In the Manner of Sherlock Holmestrue- Leblond Alert in the Canary Islandstrue- Commander Minuit... Champs-Elyséestrue The Roundup is for Tonighttrue L’aventurière des Champs-Élyséestrue The Country I Come Fromtrue Assassin in the Phonebooktrue- First road mender Ma femme, ma vache et moitrue The Little Thingtrue- Assistant Sur le plancher des vachestrue- Papillon Farewell Mister Grocktrue- Mr. Durand The Desert of Pigalletrue- Le Clochard In the Sun of Marseilletrue- Le contrôleur Maximetrue- The Doctor (uncredited) Operation Thundertrue- Professor Desforges Trust Me!true- L'huissier The Baron of the Lockstrue- Casino employee (uncredited) The Queen's Lovertrue- Le comte de Camporeal Mandrin (2ème époque) La Tragédie d'un siècletrue- L'abbé Dark Sundaytrue- Le commissaire de police Trial at the Vaticantrue- Le docteur La Parisiennetrue- Un solliciteur (uncredited) We Are All Murdererstrue- Le procureur Mademoiselle Nitouchetrue- A general Lovers of Paristrue- Passerby in the street with Valérie (uncredited)