Wallace Merck
Wallace Merck
Top Movie Cast
RoboCop 2true- Gun Shop Owner Chattahoocheetrue- Patrolman White Lightnin'true- Edgar The Baron and the Kidtrue- Gus Miracle Runtrue- Dr. Hardwick Heart of the Stormtrue- Larry Keeping Ontrue- Repossess Man Murder in Coweta Countytrue- Sheriff Threadgill The Slugger's Wifetrue- Fan in Limelight Spirittrue- Principal Pickett Miami Magmatrue- Board Member Voyage of the Rock Alienstrue- Breather Fried Green Tomatoestrue- KKK Man Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrificetrue- Sheriff Blaine Glory Roadtrue- Racist - Cole Field House Sophie and the Moonhangertrue- Webster Beyond a Reasonable Doubttrue- Gilbert Romans Nora Roberts' Tributetrue- Carl Hennessy Sacrificetrue- Sgt. George Burney Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Livestrue- Burt Super Mario Bros.true- Goomba Black Rainbowtrue- Officer Munroe Mothmantrue- Mayor Dinkins Bandit: Beauty and the Bandittrue- Deputy Ferebee Trapper County Wartrue- Harris Luddigger