Pierre-Henry Salfati
Pierre-Henry Salfati
Top Movie Cast
Francorussetrue- Rabbi Menahim Where Life Beginstrue- Aaron A Nice Jewish Boytrue- Le père Top Movie Crew
Der letzte MentschtrueWriting
Der letzte MentschtrueDirecting
Repas de familletrueDirecting
Gainsbourg by Gainsbourg: An Intimate Self PortraittrueDirecting
Margherita, The Woman Who Invented MussolinitrueDirecting
The Wandering Jew: A Cultural HistorytrueDirecting
The Wandering Jew: A Cultural HistorytrueWriting
The Wandering Jew: A Cultural HistorytrueWriting
Lauren Bacall, ombre et lumièretrueDirecting
Lauren Bacall, ombre et lumièretrueWriting
Zadoc et le bonheurtrueDirecting
Robert Redford: The Golden LooktrueDirecting
Robert Redford: The Golden LooktrueWriting