Thodoros Kefalopoulos
Thodoros Kefalopoulos
Top Movie Cast
The Robber Cries Thief!true- Anastasis Oi 900 tis Marinastrue- Stathis The Madmantrue- Anestis Kokkinakis Κοκοβιός και Σπάρος στα Δίχτυα της Αράχνηςtrue- tavern owner The Ladykillertrue- Alekos Ησαΐα, μη Χορεύειςtrue- groom's father in commercial Bad, Cold, and Cantankeroustrue- villager Eva Has Not Sinnedtrue- Andreas Ο σπαγγοραμένοςtrue- Stavros Antigonetrue- Elder of Thebes And the Woman Shall Fear Her Husbandtrue- butcher Poverty can be bearable while living welltrue Ο τελευταίος των κομιτατζήδωνtrue Για μια τρύπια δραχμήtrue Experts on the Football Fieldtrue- Team Doctor Lolatrue- Πελάτης καμπαρέ