Gustave Gallet
Gustave Gallet
Top Movie Cast
In the acttrue- Le Domestique Œil de lynx, détectivetrue L'École des journalistestrue The House Across the Streettrue Une femme qui se partagetrue Le Prince Boubouletrue- Mayor Grand-pèretrue- Director of the 'Oeuvre' Fromont Young and Risler Eldertrue The Benefactortrue- Pharmacist The Count of Monte Cristo Part 1 - The Prisoner of Kastelltrue- L'avocat de Benedetto Night in Decembertrue- Le médecin au concert de 1939 (uncredited) Adrientrue- The assistant office manager (uncredited) Cecile Is Deadtrue- Le médecin (uncredited) Life of Pleasuretrue- Shareholder (uncredited) Mr. Gregoire Runs Awaytrue- Mr. Croche Devil and the Angeltrue- Frank Davis' secretary Triple enquêtetrue- Le commissaire de police Gribaudet Les trois cousinestrue- Mitaine Le voleur se porte bientrue- Lawyer Tous les deuxtrue- Maître Véron Justice Is Donetrue- Gaston, Lucie's father Without Leaving an Addresstrue- Un journaliste (uncredited) Valse royaletrue- Ludwig Tomasoni Foolish Husbandstrue- Maisnier The Murderer Lives at Number 21true- Judicial Police Director (uncredited) Crossroadstrue- Le chirurgien The New Mentrue- Clemenceau Impasse of Two Angelstrue- Le notaire The Lafarge Casetrue- Orfiela François Villontrue- Guillaume de Villon My Cousin From Warsawtrue- Archibald Burel Juliette, or Key of Dreamstrue- Le notaire