Jack Curtis
Jack Curtis
Top Movie Cast
The Long Chancetrue- Eatinghouse Oscar The Courage of Marge O'Doonetrue- Brokaw The Torrenttrue- Red Galvin Hell-Roarin' Reformtrue- Baxter Treat 'Em Roughtrue- John Stafford The Coming of the Lawtrue- Judge Graney The Speed Maniactrue- Red Morgan Desert Lovetrue- The Wolf The Texas Streaktrue- Jiggs The Spoilerstrue- Bill Nolan Baree, Son of Kazantrue- Bush McTaggart The Pesttrue- Asher Blodgett Durand of the Bad Landstrue Western Speedtrue- Spunk Lemm Dressed to Killtrue- Pub Patron (uncredited) The Charge of the Light Brigadetrue- Sepoy (uncredited) Miss Pollytrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Wedding Songtrue- George Pappadoulos The Iron Handtrue- Connors Frisco Kidtrue- Captain (uncredited) Rails Into Laramietrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Lady Gamblestrue- Casino Patron (uncredited) Until They Get Metrue- Kirby Broadway Arizonatrue- Jack Boggs Frenchietrue- Saloon Patron (uncredited) Through Thick and Thintrue- 'Red' Grimley His Back Against the Walltrue- Lew Shaler Jaws of Steeltrue- Thomas Grant Taylor The Strangers' Banquettrue- McKinstry The Shadow on the Walltrue- Bleary How Green Was My Valleytrue- Villager (uncredited) The Sea Liontrue- Bentley Son of Frankensteintrue- Actor (uncredited) Stagecoachtrue- Bartender (uncredited) White Fangtrue- Posse Member Frankensteintrue- Villager (uncredited) It Happened One Nighttrue- Policeman (uncredited) Winchester '73true- Townsman (uncredited) Pinkytrue- Townsman (uncredited) Wells Fargotrue- Minor Role Lawless Rangetrue- Marshall Mammytrue- Sheriff Tremble The Phantom in the Housetrue- Biffer Bill Westward Hotrue- Ballard (uncredited) Under a Texas Moontrue- Buck Johnson The Woman from Monte Carlotrue- Boatswain Moby Dicktrue- First Mate Romeo and Juliettrue- Betty's Father I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gangtrue- Prison Guard (uncredited) My Darling Clementinetrue- Bartender (uncredited) Brass Knucklestrue- Murphy Greedtrue- McTeague Sr. (uncredited) Captain Cautiontrue- Sailor Road Gangtrue- Guard (uncredited) Citizen Kanetrue- Boss Printer (uncredited) Silly Billiestrue- Pioneer 3 Godfatherstrue- Bartender (uncredited) Billy the Kid Trappedtrue- Blacksmith Hold Everythingtrue- Murph Levy Flower of the Northtrue- Blake The Rainmakerstrue- Railroad Man The Exiletrue- Card Player (uncredited) The Love Tradertrue- Sailor The End of the Rainbowtrue The Girl of Lost Laketrue- Abner Clark God's Crucibletrue- Oracle Jack It Happened in Honolulutrue- Detective Boggs Southern Justicetrue- Roger Appleby Mutinytrue- Aaron Whitaker Captain Bloodtrue- Wolverstone Canyon of the Foolstrue- Maricopia Baby Facetrue- Speakeasy Customer (uncredited) The Range Feudtrue- Charlie the Bartender The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gaptrue- Townsman (uncredited) Show of Showstrue- Performer in 'The Pirate' Number (uncredited) Man's Desiretrue- Bull Larkin Seeds of Vengeancetrue- Kip Ryerson The Way of the Worldtrue- Peter Sturton Magnificent Dolltrue- Edmund Soft Boiledtrue- The Ranch Foreman The Long Chancetrue- 'Borax' O'Rourke Two Men of Sandy Bartrue- Pritchard Mr. Opptrue- John Mathews An Unwilling Herotrue- Boston Harry The Egg and Itrue- Reveler at Country Dance (Uncredited) Find the Kingtrue- Dynamite Dawson A Romance of Billy Goat Hilltrue- Sheely Les Misérablestrue- Gendarme in Prefect's Office Top Movie Crew
The Cheyenne KidtrueWriting