Masahiro Asao
Masahiro Asao
Top Movie Cast
A Surgeon Named Hitmantrue Top Movie Crew
A Surgeon Named HitmantrueDirecting
Bounty HuntertrueDirecting
Bounty Hunter 2trueDirecting
Road to RetributiontrueWriting
Road to RetributiontrueDirecting
Deserted DogstrueDirecting
Extremely CrushedtrueDirecting
The Gunrunner GirltrueDirecting
The Wild Ones: The Osaka Yakuza WartrueWriting
Girls, Gangsters & ZombiestrueDirecting
Girls, Gangsters & ZombiestrueWriting
The Shortest Distance is Round: Rain and SodatrueCrew
The Law of AsurastrueDirecting
Chivalry's LamenttrueDirecting
Chivalry's Lament 2trueDirecting
Chivalry's Lament 3trueDirecting
History of Yauza Conflict: Nishinari ConflicttrueDirecting
Funeral Song of AshuratrueDirecting
Kamui: Gang of Life PART IItrueDirecting
Kamui: Gang of Life PART ItrueDirecting
Sotai 2: Organized Crime Unit vs. Anti-Social ForcestrueDirecting
Sotai: Organized Crime Prevention Division vs. Anti-Social ForcestrueDirecting
The World of ShuratrueArt
The World of Shura 2trueArt
New Gang Emblem 6trueDirecting
Brother's Graveyard: Final EditiontrueDirecting
Graveyard of BrotherstrueDirecting
The Wild Ones: The Osaka Yakuza WartrueDirecting
The Wild Ones: Charismatic YakuzatrueDirecting
Wrath Against the OutlawstrueDirecting
Wrath Against the Outlaws 2trueDirecting
Elegy of ConflicttrueDirecting
Elegy of ConflicttrueWriting