Lia Eliava
Lia Eliava
Top Movie Cast
The Book of Oathtrue- царица Тинатин Chiakokonatrue- Irma (dubbed by Antonina Konchakova) Chioratrue- Nika's mother Children of the Seatrue- Leila Bashi-Achukitrue- Mzisa and Mtvarisa Escape at Dawntrue- Wife of Kotsia Eristavi Adventures of Lazaretrue- Stepmother The City Wakes Up Earlytrue- Melita How's Home, How's Everything?true The Shadow On Roadtrue- Nino Spring Comes Soontrue- Nato Cheers, My Dear!true- Mary Saroyan Brotherstrue- Taguhi Ночной визитtrue- Lina, interrogator Iriston's Sontrue- Anna Aleksandrovna Tsalikova Don't Believe that I'm No Longer Heretrue- Artist The Old Engine Drivertrue Who is Fourth?true- Mother of Temur Blue Mountains, or Unbelievable Storytrue