Boris Kudryavtsev
Boris Kudryavtsev
Top Movie Cast
The Rider with Lightning in His Handtrue Girl Seeks Fathertrue- Bulay, The chief of police Touches on the V. I. Lenin's Portraittrue Outsidertrue- Анатолий Васильевич Плужин Directortrue- Stepan Ruzaev And There Was Evening, And There Was Morningtrue The Siberian Womantrue- Семён Тимофеевич Филимонов One-Two, Soldiers Were Going...true- генерал The Ivanov Familytrue- Stepan Yegorovich Street Without Endtrue- Yaronka Maigret and the Old Ladytrue- Otets Rozy Узники Бомонаtrue- полковник Гресс Returntrue- Калимон Иванович Тиходуев Happiness Must Be Protectedtrue- Ivan Mikhaylovich Про Клаву Ивановуtrue- «Glukhar» Моя улицаtrue- Vasiliy Zabrodin