Hermine Sterler
Hermine Sterler
Top Movie Cast
The Mating Seasontrue- German Woman (uncredited) Railroaded!true- Mrs. Ryan The Man in the Iron Masktrue Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullettrue- Miss Marquardt Golden Earringstrue- Greta Krosigk Berlin Expresstrue- Frau Borne There's Always Tomorrowtrue- Tourist's Wife How to Marry a Millionairetrue- Madame (uncredited) Children of No Importancetrue- Frau Berndt People Among Ustrue- Prison Chief Shining Victorytrue- Miss Hoffman The Othertrue- Hallers Schwester The Blue Mousetrue- Frau Lebodier The Dark Pasttrue- Mrs. Linder (uncredited) Nazi Agenttrue- Mrs. Mohr (uncredited) The Theft of the Mona Lisatrue Rasputin, Demon of the Womentrue- Czarina So Ends Our Nighttrue- Berlin Nurse (uncredited) Adventure on the Lidotrue- Lucena Mädchenschicksaletrue- Irina's mother German Women - German Faithfulnesstrue- Regine Vollrath People in Needtrue- Elisabeth Ditten Paganinitrue- The Duchess I Go Out and You Stay Heretrue- Stefanie Derlett The Falcon in San Franciscotrue- Carla Keyes (uncredited) The Right to Lovetrue- Frau Gebhard - eine Offizierswitwe Betrayal from the Easttrue- Keller (uncredited) Das Mädel aus der Provinztrue Little Mothertrue- Leontine Reunion in Francetrue- Woman (uncredited) Everything for the Companytrue- Ella Sonndorfer