Gloria Hope
Gloria Hope
Top Movie Cast
The Hushed Hourtrue- Annie Vierge Coloradotrue- Kitty Doyle $5,000 Rewardtrue- Margaret Hammersley Too Much Johnsontrue- Leonora Faddish Seeds of Vengeancetrue- Mary Reddin The Gay Lord Quextrue- Muriel Eden The Desperate Herotrue- Mabel Darrow Tess of the Storm Countrytrue- Teola Graves The Texantrue- Alice Marcum Prairie Trailstrue- Alice Endicott The Great Lovetrue- Jessie Lovewell Burglar by Proxytrue- Dorothy Mason The Outcasts of Poker Flattrue- Ruth Watson / Sophy - the girl Rider of the Lawtrue- Betty Bill Apperson's Boytrue- Martha Yarton Troubletrue- Mrs. Lee, the Plumber's Wife The Heart of Rachaeltrue- Magsie Clay The Law of the Northtrue- Virginie de Montcalm