Christopher Kriesa
Christopher Kriesa
Top Movie Cast
Bitter Harvesttrue- Marshall Moving Targettrue- Police Officer My Fellow Americanstrue- Agent Kopeck The Silencerstrue- Jennings Dose of Realitytrue- Doctor Wilkins Maggie Moore(s)true- Jerry Connors Dillinger and Caponetrue- Melvin Purvis The Perfect Wifetrue- McGovern Distant Cousinstrue- 1st Policeman Living in Feartrue- Lyle Pointer Americanatrue- Hiram Bruce Starr The Nursetrue- Doctor Sanders CyberTracker 2true- Chief of Police The Perfect Nannytrue- Librarian Alone with a Strangertrue- Dr. Silverstone Her Married Lovertrue- Clerk Betrayed at 17true- Detective Vincent The 11th Greentrue- Beetle Smith Facing the Enemytrue- Detective Stewart The Stepdaughtertrue- Receptionist The Dentisttrue- Mr. Schaeffer The Night Callertrue- Mr. Brill Legion of the Deadtrue- Psycho Mike (as Chris Kriesa) Hellraiser: Infernotrue- Older Detective The Perfect Tenanttrue- Mr. Summer D.C. Snipertrue- Agent James Rogan (as Chris Kriesa) Eve of Destructiontrue- Korman Beyond the Limitstrue- Frederick Absolute Eviltrue- Beauregard The Landladytrue- Ralphie Chain Reactiontrue- Douglas Madsen Dard Divorcetrue- Lawyer Jake The Secretarytrue- James Robinson Daddy's Girltrue- Dr. Richardson Street Asylumtrue- Additional Voices (voice) Open Firetrue- CHP Officer Stalked at 17true- Landlord Man of Her Dreamstrue- Bill Iripino Missing at 17true- Vagrant Tough and Deadlytrue- Briggers' Man Operation Terrortrue- Phillip Singer Double Revengetrue- Dispatcher Wind Walkerstrue- James Russiere House of Deadly Secretstrue- Commissioner Arnold The Dead the Damned and the Darknesstrue- Speaker of the House Gates Cast Awaytrue- Pilot Kevin The Karate Kidtrue- Official Mission of Justicetrue- Sergeant Duncan The Cheating Pacttrue- Nathan The Man Who Wasn't Theretrue- Officer Persky Interpreterstrue- Mayor Stetson Point of Origintrue- AJ Jackobowski A Nasty Piece of Worktrue- Third Executive Downward Angeltrue- Frank America: Land of the Freekstrue Profile Images
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