Gilbert Lewis
Gilbert Lewis
Top Movie Cast
Gordon's Wartrue- Spanish Harry The Hot Rocktrue- Museum Guard Fort Apache, the Bronxtrue- Mob Leader Cotton Comes to Harlemtrue- Black Beret Together for Daystrue- Big Bubba Candymantrue- Detective Frank Valento Who Killed Mary Whats'ername?true- Solomon The Cop Don Juan DeMarcotrue- Judge Ryland Guilty As Chargedtrue- Policeman The Kid Who Loved Christmastrue- Ed Virtual Combattrue- A.C. Doyle Just My Imaginationtrue- Mr. Anderson Across 110th Streettrue- Shevvy Blazetrue- Reverend Marquez Grave Secretstrue- Dean Andrews The Pursuit of Happinesstrue- Convict George Wilson