Yoshi Sakō
Yoshi Sakō
Top Movie Cast
Inubu: The Dog Clubtrue- Shusaku Akita Noisetrue- Shoichi Yokota The way back hometrue- Hiroshi Kato Offbeat Copstrue- Takahiro Sawada Baragaki: Unbroken Samuraitrue- Kihee Toshima Silent Paradetrue- Eiji Masumura Hell Dogstrue- Masaru Anai Detective Chinatown 3true- Inudou Fragments of the Last Willtrue Last Miletrue- Kariya Takanori Detective Chinatown 3true Stay Mumtrue- Yoshikazu Kameda What If Tokugawa Ieyasu Becomes Prime Ministertrue- Manabu Mikoshiba Recipes of Diet Diariestrue- Koizumi The Witnesstrue- Shusaku Takahashi Killing for the Prosecutiontrue- 松倉重生 The Love of a Very Ordinary Wifetrue Hold me tighter than anyone elsetrue- 水島正臣