Sylvette Baudrot
Sylvette Baudrot
Top Movie Cast
Laurel & Hardy: Their Lives and Magictrue- Self Alfred Hitchcock And To Catch A Thief: An Appreciationtrue- Self Polanski, le travail à l'oeuvretrue- Self Top Movie Crew
A Flea in Her EartrueDirecting
An Officer and a SpytrueDirecting
Oliver TwisttrueDirecting
Vanille fraisetrueDirecting
Death and the MaidentrueDirecting
Léon: The ProfessionaltrueDirecting
The Ghost WritertrueDirecting
Far from VietnamtrueDirecting
Santa Claus Is a StinkertrueDirecting
Gramps Is in the ResistancetrueDirecting
The Ninth GatetrueDirecting
The Little ApocalypsetrueDirecting
L'Opération Corned BeeftrueDirecting
Male CompaniontrueDirecting
Last Year at MarienbadtrueDirecting
Sweet and SourtrueDirecting
Zazie dans le MétrotrueDirecting
Lacombe, LucientrueDirecting